Friday 6 February 2015

(Disney) Debbie Shannon

Hi, from Shannon`s Bluff farm.

This is me and my absolutely wonderful daughter Judy.

In June she will graduate grade 12 and be joining the Canadian military. She is an accomplished rifle shooter with many awards to back that statement. Her spare time (what little she has) will find her in small planes NOT at the mall. She works 2 jobs, and has good grades consistently carrying 75% or better throughout high school. She is also a Warrant Officer in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and has just received the honour of being named Commander of flight 741.

This is my only human baby. We adopted her when she was 3. She is amazing. We are very proud of everything she has achieved.

This is me and my husband John. We have been together this Valentines Day for 27 years. Married 24 this August! We have had too many medical issues to count, including him falling off our roof and breaking both ankles! We  live in a heritage house in St Thomas, Ontario, Canada. He is a long haul truck driver and we only see him 36 hours a week.

THIS is the other part of my life. I have Crohn's disease. A severe case. (naturally) I spend a lot of time in the hospital and that in 2011 meant up to 60 days at a time! My family is amazing, taking nursing training and caring for me.

This is my fur baby, Shooter.
He was an "Accident"!!!
We were actually going into the shelter to find a cat and this poor beaten guy was actually so terrified of being caged that he had torn out his nails digging at the concrete. He cringed in the corner of the shelter when John tried to coax him, but crawled on his belly to me. I instantly fell in love with him. His full name is Shooter Sniper Shannon and after 3 years he will finally play catch and rarely plays strange with new people.

I am a very anal retentive person, but I can laugh about it. You can see it in the way I organize my farm spaces...... I enjoy scrapbooking, and LOVE everything Disney and Christmas. Any holiday is a reason for me to plan a party. I love to cook, eat and I really like cheesecake. I have a very active group of friends, and we enjoy weekend getaways, retail therapy and any other reason we can think of to get together.

I can't wait to read more about all you people I only know by screen names!

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